Make a Gift to Support Hinds Hospice
Thank you for your interest in donating to Hinds Hospice! As the area’s only independent nonprofit hospice, we rely on community support to meet growing needs, and we are grateful for your continued generosity!
You can help Hinds Hospice by making a one-time, monthly or annual donation. Your gift may be a donation to our programs and services, or in memory or honor of someone, or to celebrate a special occasion or accomplishment. You may also specify what program or service you wish to designate your gift toward. With Hinds Hospice, you can feel confident that we will use your donation with the utmost regard & responsibility.
Tax ID #77-0071360
Hinds Hospice 2490 W. Shaw Ave., Fresno CA 93711
Contact Jeannie Neathery at (559) 320-0308, or
Hinds Hospice is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
We are a tax-exempt organization. Your donations qualify as charitable contributions for federal income and estate tax purposes.
Fiscal Responsibility
With Hinds Hospice, you can feel confident that we will use your donation with the utmost financial responsibility & integrity. To view our most recent audited financial statements, including our Tax Form 990, click HERE.
Donor Privacy Policy & Donor Bill of Rights
We value our donors and take every precaution to protect your privacy. We do not sell or trade any information about our donors, nor do we ever send out mailings or emails on behalf of other organizations. To read our full Donor Privacy Policy & Donor Bill of Rights, click HERE.